The Microsoft BizTalk Server 2020 features
Support for newer platforms:
- 2019 Visual Studio
- Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows 10
- SQL Server 2019, SQL Server 2017, SQL Server 2016 SP2
- Office 2019, Office 2016
Data Analysis:
Monitoring and analyzing operational data. Azure Application Insight and Azure Event Hub can be used for data storage, meanwhile, Azure Power-BI can be used for reporting and viewing data.
Application Lifecycle Management with VSTS:
The release of the Microsoft BizTalk Server 2020 solution can be defined using Visual Studio Team Services on multiple BizTalk servers of version 2020. These systems can then be managed throughout the application lifecycle.
Administrative APIs:
The Microsoft BizTalk Server 2020 environment can be managed remotely using the new remaining APIs with full Swagger support.
Support for Always Encrypted:
WCF-SQL Adapter supports connection to SQL Server Always Encrypted columns.
Advanced scheduling in adapters:
New and improved scheduling in adapters.
Adapter for Service Bus V2:
If you’re using the Service Bus adapter, you can use Azure Service Bus Premium for enterprise-level workloads.
Transport Layer Security 1.2:
Secure BizTalk Server using industry-standard TLS 1.2 authentication and encryption.
API Management:
Publish orchestration endpoints using Azure API Management. Organizations can use APIs for external Partners and internal developers to take advantage of the potential of data and services.
Event Hubs Adapter:
With the new Event Hub adapter, the BizTalk Server can send and receive messages using Azure Event Hubs.
The BizTalk Server can play the role of both an event publisher and subscriber as part of the new Azure cloud-based event-driven application.
BLOB Adapter:
Send and receive messages to/from Azure BLOB Storage.
For more info check the Biztalk server 2020 new features.
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